Holidays are the best time of year for many things! In general, you see people smiling, holding doors, saying hi, and just being a bit more pleasant! But for many, they are also a time for memories that bring feelings of sadness, regret, grief, and emptiness, among other things!
These emotions are the ones that emerge when someone feels alone. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have friends or family, but like all of us, there are times that we are alone. Some of us more than others. The one group that gets caught in this the most is our older adults, our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc... that may spend a bit more time by themselves.
We, at Full Range, have the fortunate position of being in our patients’ homes throughout the year. We get calls thanking us for being there, taking the time to talk to our patients, and helping with minor odds and ends around the house. My response is always the same, “thanks are not necessary” it is my pleasure and privilege to have the opportunity to help. That help may be taking the trash out at the end of a session, making a sandwich before I leave, or simply listening to a thought or concern they may have. No matter what the need, I am honored to be the one that gets to help.
Being the one writing this, this is my stance. But I am extremely proud to know that our team at Full Range all feel equally passionate about this! Our Support Specialists, Nurses, Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapists, and our Clinical Liaisons alike! Helping those in need is our job, our mission, and our passion.
So, this holiday season (and throughout the year) be sure to call those friends and family members to check in and see how things are going. See if there is anything they may need. You may be surprised! Often, it is as little as lending an ear and sharing a memory!
Happy Holidays!
-Mike & Your Full Range Team
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